In this feature we're asking artists to share an insight into their world, running us through a few of their favourites things; from inspiring ephemera to their most cherished items.
Belfast-based pop-noir duo Dark Tropics meld sweltering pop conventions with expansive, cinematic instrumentation. Led by vocalist Rio's honeyed crooning, the pair flit between themes of romance and isolation, heartache and melancholy with enviable ease. With only three singles to their name, the band are set to make their festival debut at this weekend's Stendhal Festival.
Here, Rio shares her Favourite Things.

Rain in Autumn
Autumn has the most phenomenal colours of any season, with the falling leaves, when it rains the smell of asphalt is one of the most beautiful things. Times when we can get bundled up in coats and jumpers and watch the rain. Bowls of warm soup and cups of cocoa. I absolutely adore the rain, there's something about it that grounds you and makes you feel real.
Charity Bookshops
I think I have a slight shopping problem when it comes to books. I found that the self help africa shop near my house has an anthropology section, and it's now at the point where I just lift the entire box to the checkout whenever I'm there. Books are something that I enjoy having around me, being surrounded by stacks and stacks of books on various topics, light reads and emotional reads and academic reads. It's heaven.
Muck 'n' Muffins
One of my earliest memories of holidays with my grandparents and parents is this wee cafe. It's no secret that both tourists and locals love it, but I have no many memories there now; being soaked from swimming, bundled into a towel and set on a chair for a beautiful bowl of their soup (which I'm actually eating as I'm writing this) or some not so nice of going to the bathroom and finding a tick on my leg, with my mum having to get it drunk with perfume and pry it off me. It will always have a place in my heart.
Novelty Pints
We found this particular Motorhead pale ale in Brighton at a brilliant bar that was playing Bob Dylan's music. I have a love of finding themed pubs and pints. The Shire in Killarney is a favourite for those: Gandalf's Ale, Bilbo's Beer and Frodo's lager. I don't actually think they taste much better, but I'll always seek them out!
This is Olivito, this is a children's toy that was found and now lives in the car. It's a little slice of happiness when I look at it, just for how odd it is. A ladybird with olives for spots wrapped in a pizza-burrito. Big fan, very big fan.
Watch the video for latest single Keep Searching below.